


sm-0209The first day of November was marked by winter storm warnings.  It got windy (thus the leaves flying around in the photo) and there was some moisture spit on us, but big winter storm never materialized. 


Categories: Autumn, Fall, Fall leaves, Leaves, Montana, Montana weather, Outdoors, Photography, Weather | 1 Comment



Okay, super corny title I know, but this post is about the leaves that are turning color, getting crisp and will soon be all gone.


It has been a very challenging month at the office and those challenges are taking their toll on our family, my time for photography and building my photography business, and my energy level.  But I haven’t given up. 


Seems that just when I get to feeling overwhelmed by the negative God gives me something positive.  And it has happened again!


This time around it was a simple encounter with a long-time friend.  The conversation turned to chickens (naturally?) and suddenly she was expressing her need to get rid of too many chickens (she has over two hundred she hatched out this summer) and I was making plans to get 20 of them – FOR FREE!  Wow!


So I’ll be packing the dog kennel with 20 young chickens to add to the 8 I have (no new infra structure needed) and contacting those who told me they’d like eggs, but I didn’t have enough supply. 


I guess this post didn’t turn out to be so much about leaves after all, just decorated by them.


So please excuse the corny title.  I’ll work on my titling skills.

Categories: Autumn, Blessings, chickens, Daily life, Fall, Fall leaves, Leaves, Outdoors, Photography, Weather | Tags: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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